Water as a Service (WaaS)

Only pay for the water you use

water as a service

Water as a Service (WaaS) is an innovative water subscription service that provides a comprehensive solution for customised water treatment and management. Under the WaaS model, customers pay for the amount of water treated rather than investing in water treatment equipment and infrastructure themselves. This approach offers several benefits and ensures optimum water management.


waas benefits


At Veolia Water Technologies, we will work closely with you to improve your water management while reducing capital expenditure. WaaS offers a convenient and cost-effective way for businesses that need a reliable source of process water for their production processes while reducing costs and promoting sustainable water management. 

By opting for WaaS, you gain peace of mind through always having access to high-quality water, coupled with preventative maintenance and reduction of operating risks, via a monthly or annual subscription that guarantees financial control. 

You will only pay for the amount of water treated and this pay-as-you-go model allows for better financial flexibility and can be tailored to your specific needs. 

Requirements changed? Our solutions are flexible and can adapt to you changing needs. WaaS means you can concentrate on your core business, while being assured of a reliable, high-quality water source.




Your challenges are our concern

With WaaS, you can rely on our expertise to provide a reliable, high-quality source of water. 

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